A proven path to success
Our commitment to quality is evident in every layer of our organization. From our clerical staff to our engineers, from our purchasing to installation components, we are committed to a level of performance that distinguishes us from our competitors. Careful analysis of each projects’ goals, a clear understanding of our clients’ concerns, and our 39 years of experience in this field give us results that spell success for our clients and ourselves.
It starts with a bid
We work with our clients, carefully identifying objectives and concerns, making them our partner in the enterprise that we are about to undertake. We understand how a project travels from inception to completion. Our experience with RFP and other bidding vehicles allows us to customize our bid in a format that clearly meets your requirements. Our engineers and top company managers are on hand to present our proposal in a clear, forthright and understandable manner.
Our Philosophy – Attention to detail at every level
The massive scope of most construction projects mean that there are countless small details that can affect its outcome. Our Hollow Metal Management Philosophy charges us with the diligent attention to the smallest of these details. Time and experience have shown us that when we do this we will succeed. Our team leaders oversee each step in the process, checking every detail as they go through the manufacturing, delivery and installation phases. The process starts with the bid, and concludes with your satisfaction that the project has met or exceeded your expectations. AOI is there every step of the way, making sure that your job is done right. This prevents cost overruns, time losses and insures on time delivery of products that are on or below budget.
Our team moves into action
Within 48 hours of reception of your contract, our team is hard at work. We use Computer Aided Design systems (CAD) to model, test and verify the dimensions of every aspect of your project. This ensures among other things, that parts will fit before we manufacture them. Our manufacturing equipment is checked and calibrated in preparation for your project. Additional needs for specialized equipment are identified and the equipment secured. Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM) systems are readied for the job. Closely linked to our design systems, CAM’s provide an uninterrupted workflow, which saves time and money. Our philosophy of consulting closely with our clients means we find and solve problems early. Adhering to that philosophy also saves time, money and institutional will.
Our Edge – Research and Experience
As your project partner we do more then just deliver goods and services. Whether it is a facility walk through by our president or an on site fact finding day (or days) spent by our design team, we are committed to a thorough understanding of the job that lies ahead. The research we put into a project is one of the key elements to its successful completion. We have Thirty-Nine years of experience in manufacturing hollow metal products. We have worked on projects with budgets ranging up to 700 million dollars. Your project with be in experienced hands with our team on the job.
We offer total production packages
Architectural Openings Inc will take charge of all aspects of the project. We work with an eye towards quality and performance. We offer a coherent, cohesive and consistent approach that ensures success. We don’t hastily assemble bits and pieces and look at the bottom line of the balance sheet. AOI manufactures and supplies a wide range of products, including standard, custom security and bulletproof doors. We are also a licensed distributor for wood doors, frames and windows. We also manufacture a full line of detention furniture including desks, shelves, tables and other accessories needed to round out a job.
We exceed Industry Standards
The National Association of Metal Manufacturers sets the formal standards for hollow metal products with provision NAAMM 863-90 / ASTM F1450. While most companies meet these stringent specifications, AOI exceeds them. Our products meet our own internal standards of quality and performance, which produces products of exceptional durability and dependability. Use of our products in an institutional setting demands nothing less. AOI goes the extra mile for customers, supplying freight transportation to insure timely delivery. We consistently deliver on time and within budget.
Our Commitment to You
We will work with you to apply specifications to the manufacturing process. We will closely monitor all phases of manufacturing with a keen eye for detail. We will see to it that the products we manufacture are installed correctly and perform to your expectations. That is our commitment to you. That commitment has made us a leader in the hollow metal industry.